Our Techniques
Our Techniques
Crystal resin is surface casting material. It is a surface coating system of Cycloaliphatic Polyamide 2-part epoxy system (Solvent Free Cycloaliphatic Polyamide Modify) which can create a pattern on the surface that is beautiful, strong, durable, and easy to clean. Suitable for surface decoration such as floor and furniture surfaces such as table-top and chairs.
This material is durable. Excellent surface adhesion. Can adhere to a variety of surfaces such as concrete, cement, wood, metal. Can create unlimited patterns. Seamless floor. The coating film is strong. Resistant to abrasion. Impact resistant. It can also carry weight well. The color film is shiny. Easy to clean. Prevents water penetration 100%, does not accumulate dust. Easy to maintain.
Take a look
into each
layers of the
floor work.
Surface Preparation
1. New and old concrete surfaces
New concrete should cure for 28 days minimum.
Surfaces must be clean, sturdy, free from contaminants.
Remove efflorescence, fungi, etching, and salt deposits.
2. Surface levelling
Ensure smoothness for waterproofing.
Level raised areas.
3. Crack repair and void filling
Excavate cracks, fill with structural repair mortar.
For wide cracks, groove and fill with suitable materials.
Use epoxy putty for minor cracks.
4. Ceramic, granite, or stone tile surfaces
Check for strength, cleanliness.
Repair any damage with structural mortar.